mardi 15 mai 2012

Résultats du second tour: Nature du vote et Distance au littoral

Article en français

French elections: nature of votes versus distance to the coast : In the previous post, we saw how to make a simple choropleth of votes. Here, I detail how to create a dataviz combining a map and a standard xy plot to visualize the relation that exists between the nature of votes and the distance to the coast. A good opportunity to use a very interesting R library: spatstat.

dimanche 13 mai 2012

Résultats du second tour: ma première choroplèthe avec R

 article en français

French elections - my first choropleth with R : Many journalists say that the electoral campaigns are becoming "data campaigns". The candidates are fighting, making massive use of numbers. They're looking for the number that will make the other one wrong. They're speaking numbers, displaying plots, graphics - interactive or not - about what the actual state of the country is, and how they intend to change it. Why not taking the most of the elections data to learn how to make a simple choropleth with R?

The entire code is available for download at the end of the article

Dans cet article, nous allons créer une petite choroplèthe des résultats du second tour des élections présidentielles.