samedi 15 novembre 2014

Streets of Paris Colored by Orientation

Recently, I read an article by datapointed which presented maps of streets of different cities colored by orientation.
The author gave some details about the method, which I tried to reproduce. In this post, I present the different steps from the calculation in my favorite spatial R ToolBox to the rendering in QGIS using a specific blending mode.

The code is given at the end of the article.
Data used in this post is from OpenStreetMap contributors :
Get it on OSM Metro Extract or GeoFabrik

samedi 7 juin 2014

whatGoogleSuggestsFor() : Using Google Instant to map Stereotypes or Sentiment (in R)

Some interesting things emerge when using Google Instant service from different countries.

The whatGoogleSuggestsFor() function will take a string as an input and return a list of suggestions by Google based upon Google Instant Service. Good to map stereotypes or analyze sentiment of a brand. The code is at the end.