He wanted to define how long you would see each part landscape if you were on a train, watching constantly through the window. Personally, I would sleep most of the times on long travels or I'd probably go at least once to the toilets.
Reciprocally, as the notion of intervisibility implies, such an analysis will tell you from where the railroad infrastructure will be the most visible. It gives the impact of it on landscape perception.
The problem was interesting, I took the challenge to give it a try.
More complex approaches integrating land covers could tell you when to sleep and when not to sleep (when the landscape is rich or when not), or whether you should book a seat on the left or right part of the train. That's what we could analyse in future posts of "On the Road"
I imagined Jack Kerouac being some kind of geogeek. He'd try to precisely prepare a travel by determining locations that would give him contemplative restfulness by watching the fugitive beautiful landscapes. That's why I correlated this post with the book "On the Road" by Jack Kerouac who used to catch trains to get from one place to another across the USA.
So, here is how Jack Kerouac would have prepared his travel from his meditation mountain to an hypothetic geo-R conference held in san Francisco.
This script will be helpful if you'd like to familiarize with R / GRASS. Don't worry, the different steps will be explained afterwards.
library(rgdal) library(maptools) library(spatstat) library(spgrass6) #################### ### READING DATA ### #################### track <- readOGR(".", "railroad") track <- as(track, "psp") ######################### ### GENERATING POINTS ### ######################### # every 50 meters (dem resolution) pts <- pointsOnLines(track, eps=50) ################################ ### GRASS REGION CONFIGURING ### ################################ # EXTENT xrange <- as.character(c(pts$window$xrange[1]-5000, pts$window$xrange[2]+5000)) yrange <- as.character(c(pts$window$yrange[1]-5000, pts$window$yrange[2]+5000)) # CONFIGURING execGRASS("g.region", flags = "p", parameters = list(rast = "mnt50", w = xrange[1], s = yrange[1], e = xrange[2], n = yrange[2])) # GRID CREATING & GETTING THE NUMBER OF CELLS(for further programming) grd <- gmeta2grd() ncells <- grd@cells.dim[1]*grd@cells.dim[2] ####################################### ### GRASS LINE-OF-SIGHT CALCULATION ### ####################################### # POINT XY COORDINATES coords <- cbind(as.character(pts$x), as.character(pts$y)) # GRID VALUES INITIALIZATION before LOOPING sumV <- rep(0, ncells) # LOOP for (i in seq(1, pts$n)) { # GRASS LOS CALCULATION execGRASS("r.los", parameters = list(input = "dem50", output = "los", coordinate = coords[i,], obs_elev = 2, max_dist = 2500), flags = c("overwrite")) los <- readRAST6("los") values <- ifelse(is.na(los@data[[1]]), 0, 1) sumV <- values + sumV } # 0 VALUES TO NA sumV[sumV==0]<-NA save(sumV, file="sumV.RData") ############################# ### MAPPING DATA TO GRID ### ############################# sgdf <- SpatialGridDataFrame(grd, data = data.frame(sum=sumV)) # EXPORT DATA FILLED GRID TO TIFF writeGDAL(sgdf["sum"], "trackLos.tiff", drivername="GTiff", type="Float32"
Here is the result:
![]() |
This image show the locations on the landscape from where the infrastrructure is the most visible, and conversely, the elements of the landscape that are the most visible from the railroad |
Here are some little explanations of some parts relative to the code:
They key command is r.los which is a line-of-sight raster analysis program.
r.los input=string output=string coordinate=x,y [patt_map=string] [obs_elev=float] [max_dist=float] [--overwrite]
For more details on r.los
#################### ### READING DATA ### #################### track <- readOGR(".", "railroad") track <- as(track, "psp") ######################### ### GENERATING POINTS ### ######################### # every 50 meters (dem resolution) pts <- pointsOnLines(track, eps=50)
This part reads railroad.shp then coerces the SpatialLines object to a psp object so that it can be processed by pointsOnLines spatstat function. pointsOnLines will create a point every 50 meters along the line. 50 has been chosen because it corresponds to the dem resolution.
################################ ### GRASS REGION CONFIGURING ### ################################ # EXTENT xrange <- as.character(c(pts$window$xrange[1]-5000, pts$window$xrange[2]+5000)) yrange <- as.character(c(pts$window$yrange[1]-5000, pts$window$yrange[2]+5000)) # CONFIGURING execGRASS("g.region", flags = "p", parameters = list(rast = "mnt50", w = xrange[1], s = yrange[1], e = xrange[2], n = yrange[2]))
Here we configure a region which extent is the track extent extended with 5 kilometers because we'll have to calculate LOS at each extremity of the track line also. The extent must be transmitted as String to g.region
# GRID CREATING & GETTING THE NUMBER OF CELLS(for further programming) grd <- gmeta2grd() ncells <- grd@cells.dim[1]*grd@cells.dim[2] ####################################### ### GRASS LINE-OF-SIGHT CALCULATION ### ####################################### # POINT XY COORDINATES coords <- cbind(as.character(pts$x), as.character(pts$y)) # GRID VALUES INITIALIZATION before LOOPING sumV <- rep(0, ncells)
grd is a SpatialGrid object created from GRASS region paramemters: extent and resolution. ncells is the number of cells (nrows * ncols) We create a vector of values of same length as the number of cells and filled with 0 values.
# LOOP for (i in seq(1, pts$n)) { # GRASS LOS CALCULATION execGRASS("r.los", parameters = list(input = "dem50", output = "los", coordinate = coords[i,], obs_elev = 2, max_dist = 2500), flags = c("overwrite")) los <- readRAST6("los") values <- ifelse(is.na(los@data[[1]]), 0, 1) sumV <- values + sumV } # 0 VALUES TO NA sumV[sumV==0]<-NA
We launch Line-Of-Sight calculation for each point, and each value of the raster derived from the observation of an individual XYZ point is added to that of the previous point, recursively.
# 0 VALUES TO NA sumV[sumV==0]<-NA
0 values of the raster are replaced by NA to provide transparency
sgdf <- SpatialGridDataFrame(grd, data = data.frame(sum=sumV)) # EXPORT DATA FILLED GRID TO TIFF writeGDAL(sgdf["sum"], "trackLos.tiff", drivername="GTiff", type="Float32")
We export the result to tiff.
Here are some useful links:
[fr] http://dit-archives.epfl.ch/FI01/fi-sp-1/sp-1-page51.html
[fr] http://www.osgeo.org/ojs/index.php/journal/article/viewFile/113/93
Hi, thanx for your very inspiring script here. A few thing make me wonder though: How do you initialize GRASS without giving a path and a mapset etc? Cause the DEM can't get in magically, no? I figured out so far how to initialize GRASS in a temporary environment and then load the raster. Anyway, the r.los part runs but never stops. Thought that i would like to replace r.los with r.viewshed, but this also opens another can of worms ... Anyway, more of such very informative scripts would be nice ;)
RépondreSupprimeryes, I should have mentioned I used initGRASS function first..This creates the GRASS environment. Have you set your region correctly ? Maybe you could launch the function on a smaller extent and see what you get. You'd know if the problem comes from the environment initialization or your data wich requires a long time to be processed as it is big..